Core Values Installment #7: Respect

“I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me… All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.” – Jackie Robinson

I love this quote.  Jackie Robinson was a person who exemplified this to no end.  He was the first black baseball player to break the color barrier in Major League Baseball in 1947. It was a line of segregation that had been there for over 50 years.  The Brooklyn Dodgers signed him, and history was made.  The reason I love this quote is because it separates respect from your own personal opinions.  People deserve it, enough said.

Anne Carr’s handstand hold at this weekend’s competition demanded respect!

Respect is at the core of the “Nation.”  If you have been around class, you have witnessed the diversity in the community.  There are all kinds of people, so much that I can remember many occurrences that we have mentioned no chance of these people all hanging out except at FFOTB.  We truly are an eclectic crew.  And, this place will remain a safe place for all to belong.

As coaches in this finest of communities, respect of everyone we come into contact with is always there.  Coaches will respect their athletes.  Athletes will respect their coaches, athletes will respect other athletes, and FFOTB will respect the community we are a part of.  We are here for the positive, and that is all.

This starts with Respect.

Danny Lesslie


Tuesday’s Workout:

9 rounds for time of:
2 Turkish Getups
5 Burpees
11 Situps
50m Sprint

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