FFOTB Event: Crush Cancer 2012 presented by DogTown CrossFit

I’ll be the first to tell you, especially in the last year and a half of FFOTB’s existence, that there’s nothing more powerful than a group of passionate people. Well, our friends at DogTown CrossFit embody just that.

That’s why October 27th we will join them in their efforts to raise money to fight cancer. CRUSH CANCER 2012 is an event right up our ally. Participants are asked to raise money for a great cause, while taking on a grueling workout in the name of cancer research.


I’ve since created a page to direct donations and the donations of your own friends, family, and supporters. To make a contribution please visit our link here: FFOTB’s Crush Cancer 2012 Initiative

For those of you joining us next Saturday morning (Oct. 27th at DogTown), the workout is as follows:

Complete 3 Round for reps- 1 min. Each Station.
– Power Cleans
– Kettlebell Swings
– Burpees
– Shoulder to Overhead,
– Double Unders

Please share the word on this, guys and girls. You need not participate in the workout to contribute either. Join us!In the meantime, Monday’s workout will give you a good idea what the Crush Cancer workout will be like.

Logan Gelbrich


Monday’s Workout:

Complete the following 3 rounds for reps:
1 min. Max Push Ups
1 min. Max Double KB Cleans (53/35/18)
1 min. Max Lateral Jumps
1 min. Max KB Thrusters (44/26/9)
1 min. Max Weighted Sit Ups (25/10/BW)
-Rest 1 min-

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