When Eating “Clean” Turns Sodium Deficient

OK, so you’ve done all the “right” things for your health. You’ve cut back on the processed foods that have made America infamously obese and diabetic. We’ve heard the narrative about out of control sodium intake, too.

But, is there such a thing as too little sodium?

Some experts are saying that maintaining a low carbohydrate or keto diet could leave you sodium deficient. How? Well, cutting out processed foods means you’re consuming remarkably less sodium. In addition, insulin levels drop when you consume less carbohydrates. This results in increased waste being released from the kidneys, including sodium. Add on top of that the fact that electrolytes are lost through exercise and sweating. As a result, we have a perfect storm for motivated folks trying to do the right things (like eating well and exercising) to be affected by an imbalance. 

The list of symptoms for sodium deficiency isn’t short. You may feel anxiety, muscle cramps, digestive issues, insomnia, and host of other short-term effects. Long Term side effects are worse, including osteoporosis and cognitive damage. 

If you’re a clean eating machine, I commend you. I also challenge you to respect your sodium intake. If you feel you might be sodium efficient, consult your doctor. 

Keep going.



Daily at Home GPP Coaching Video 

6/17/20 WOD


Straddle Press Series:

Complete 2 rounds for quality:

8 Straddle Single Leg Lift (each) w/ Pause at the top

5 Straddle Single Leg Rotations (Clockwise)

5 Straddle Single Leg Rotations (Counter Clockwise)


Apnea Training Series:

EMOM Until Failure

:20 Inhale Breath Hold


**Athletes add :05 each round

**Score is seconds of final successful breath hold (with a max potential score of 60)



Then, AMRAP 22

Walking Lunges


Complete 3 rounds for quality of

8-12 Lateral Step Ups

8-12 Lateral Side Raises

8-12 Strict Pull Ups

Then, complete 3 rounds for reps of:


30 Wall Ball (20/14)

15 Push Ups

Max Step Ups with time remaining 35/20

-Rest 1 Min-




DB Step Ups

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:

12 Evil Wheels

30 Russian Twists

Then, complete 5 rounds for reps of: 


20 Double Unders  

20 Lateral Plyos 

-Rest :90-



Complete 3 rounds for quality of:

10 Single Arm Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squats (ea)

10 Single Leg RDLs (ea)


Then, complete the following for time:

60 KB/DB Swings

5 Single Arm Thrusters (ea)

5 Box Jumps (24/20)

40 KB/DB Swings

5 Single Arm Thrusters (ea)

5 Box Jumps (24/20)

20 KB/DB Swings

5 Single Arm Thrusters (ea)

5 Box Jumps (24/20)

40 KB/DB Swings

5 Single Arm Thrusters (ea)

5 Box Jumps (24/20)

60 KB/DB Swings

5 Single Arm Thrusters (ea)

5 Box Jumps (24/20)