We’re always adding things to our online store and pumping out DEUCE branded items all over the world. We’re excited to announce a few additions to the store that might bring some joy to you or a friend.

DEUCE Pirate Air Freshener

Just because your gym bag smells doesn’t mean your car has to! This is an air freshener that holds the standard!

DEUCE ‘Hold the Standard’ Pin

Those who know, know. It’s a subtle reminder that the burden of holding the standard goes with you in and outside of the gym.

DEUCE Skull Socks

Do you know what’s never been said? “I just have too many great pairs of socks.” That’s right, you know you’re embarrassed to pull off a shoe when you have some beat up, stained socks on. Step your game up!

These and all of our other quality DEUCE products can be found, as always, on our online store and available for purchase in-store at the gym. Enjoy!



Logan Gelbrich


2/21/18 WOD


Close Grip Bench Press


Complete 4 rounds for time of:

10 Push Ups

15 Pull Ups

100′ Sandbag Carry (AHAP)