I didn’t grow up in a house where I was made to tidy my room every day before I went to school. I, for the longest time, considered myself lucky for this fact. I mean, who needs to make their bed when they are just going to get right back into it and mess it up as soon as the next night comes. It wasn’t until recently did I begin to appreciate this infamous chore of childhood.
Some years back I had the pleasure of learning from one of the best in the business. Stephane Rochet was, at the time, Director of Athletic Performance Training for the USD Toreros. He was also working with Crossfit HQ as a Level 1 Cert Flowmaster, which is where we met. I have never seen a more talented instructor/coach.
I walked into the facility that he called home, and couldn’t believe how organized and neat it was. Granted it was a collegiate weight room, but still each squat rack had places for everything. There were circles on the ground where the kettle bells were supposed to be, the weights were all racked the same, in every rack. There must have be 12-15 racks framing the room. Barbells and boxes were all neatly organized, as well as the medicine balls. This place was gorgeous! Everything had its place, and clearly was put there with intention. The floor was spotless, and the windows were clean. Immediately I was under the impression that if I moved something, I knew exactly where it was to go, when I was finished. Lesson learned!
It’s amazing to me that I learned the value of making my bed in a weight room in Southern California when I was in my late 20’s. Stephane Rochet you rock and my mother would say, “Thank you.”
The reason I wrote about this is because we now have our own place to call home. And, although there are not circles on the ground where the kettlebells go, they do have a place, and so does everything else. We are very lucky to have every square inch of this place, so lets keep it clean. Lets keep the plates and the kettle bells organized, not only for everyones benefit and the sanity of some, but because of pride!
Be proud of where you train. Proud to be a DEUCE Pirate!
Danny Lesslie
8/6/14 WOD
Find the days heaviest 50′ Yoke Carry
Complete 4 rounds for time of:
15 Unbroken Wall Balls
20 Unbroken Shoulder-to-Overhead (75/55)
30 Kettlebell Swings (53/25)