Need a boost? Ring the PR bell. Of course, you can’t just ring it. You’ve got to set a new PR, but not all PRs need to be as big as a front squat PR or a new personal best in “Grace.”
Invigorate your training with some proof that you’re hard work is paying off. Try anything. This could include a max set of pull ups before class, or a new box jump record.
A PR is a PR and your hard work needs to be celebrated. If you haven’t rung the bell recently, don’t wait around for a chance at it in class. Pick something simple and ring that bell.
Logan Gelbrich
6/13/14 WOD
Complete the following rounds in :60 or less:
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14… Burpees
100′ Shuttle Run
-Rest 1 min
**The athlete’s workout is complete when he/she cannot finish any round within :60
Then, EMOM 10:
2 Hang Power Cleans (AHAP)