Building a Wheelhouse — Slaughtering Goats

What’s in your wheelhouse? Your wheelhouse is the group of skills, movements, time domains, or types of workouts that you’re good at. If something about a workout excites you, chances are it’s in your wheelhouse. Is it squats? Running? Something short and fast?

If you’re still unsure, maybe take the opposite approach. Ask yourself what things you don’t like and work backwards. Hate running? Maybe weightlifting is your thing. Also, if you haven’t been able to stomach the feeling of 5th and 6th gear-like intensity of short workouts, slower, longer duration workouts may be in your wheelhouse, for example. Have a lot of pulling strength, but not so much so in pressing movements? Take note. Struggle going overhead? Write that down.

Meeker in her wheelhouse.

For me, I’d say my wheelhouse includes short duration workouts and anything that’s heavy, preferably with a barbell. It’s important to know these things, because it means you’re beginning to have a grasp of your fitness. Knowing strengths and weaknesses is vital to your training and progress.

The opposite of your wheelhouse, however, are your goats. Goats are the skills that need the most work with and they’re often things you avoid. The trouble with that is, there’s only one way to get rid of a weakness, and that’s to spend time training it.

If you don’t have a clear picture of your strengths (your wheelhouse) and your weaknesses (your goats), then I’d encourage you to spend some time thinking it through. Make a list. By definition a bigger wheelhouse means increased fitness. View goats as holes in your complete fitness. Therefore, you must value your competency across a huge spectrum of skills to improve your fitness. Be careful,then, of finding comfort in just trying to improve your strengths and prolonging life of your goats. If you don’t like the workout of the day, chances are it’s just what you need.

Kill a goat. Build a wheelhouse.

Logan Gelbrich


Tuesday’s Workout:

1 Min Max Burpees
-Rest 1 Min-
1 Min Max KB Swings
-Rest 1 Min-
1 Min Max Squats
-Rest 1 Min-
1 Min Max Situps
-Rest 4 Min-

Then repeat the following for time:
Max # Burpees
Max # KB Swings
Max # Squats
Max # Situps

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