(Not So) Secret Human Desire

They like to say, “It’s a big world out there.” While that’s true, and we ought to gather some perspective from outside of our individual bubbles at times. It’s funny to me that it’s often by seeing the world, so to speak, that we can understand the things that are fundamentally true close to home.

After having another wonderful opportunity to teach and learn from people on the other side of the planet, one thing continues to be true. We are all mirrors to each other and everyone is attracted, like moths to a flame, to the qualities that they want for themselves.

We’re all scared. We’re all suffering. But, goddammit, we all want to shine and you don’t need to travel to the corners of the planet to learn this lesson. There’s not a more unifying human quality than this one and it seems as though we ought to get busy seeking, sharing, and supporting it in each other and in ourselves. Period.


Logan Gelbrich


11/10/17 WOD

Spend 10 minutes on buttefly/kipping skill…


Then, complete 6 rounds for distance of:

2:00 Max Row

-Rest as needed-