The Moment

After class I went home to have my normal amazing breakfast of coffee bacon and eggs, with my coffee and sat in the sun with Diesel by my side.  I am not a skilled writer, nor do I like it but I found myself in a moment that I had to scribble about.

I had an experience this morning that some of you shared, which I am forever thankful.  At our 7 AM class we had a new friend come all the way across the proverbial “pond” to join us for a workout.  A Frenchman named Tonino  came to participate in this letter jumble we all know so well as FFOTB.  Tonino is doing a film all over the globe about what makes people happy. I think it’s an amazing idea, and I am so excited to see the finished product.  I also feel so fortunate that he chose to have us in the project.

Of course, we all got a great workout in and we all are better for putting in the time.  The point of this post is not about the workout, human movement, sweating, or the coaching.  This post is all about what happens here on the bluffs every day.  It’s about what Tonino recognized about our group from Paris, no less.

The Happy Gym

I arrive on the bluff every day at 6:30 AM, and there are definitely people exercising, mostly running and walking, but definitely exercising.  The mood is somber, almost emotionless.  I would go as far as to say at 7 AM this bluff absolutely transforms.. I mean the energy, the air, the people, everything. I hear laughing, I see hugging, I hear jokes, and I see smiles. I swear to you it gets warmer, the sun even seems brighter, so much so, that regularly patrons will stop and just watch.  Our “Un-Gym” gym takes shape, each day it is a little different, but each day is continually bliss.

You see this is the thing that I believe Tonino is trying to capture in this video.  Why are certain people here so happy? I believe that we should all take it as a giant compliment that he looked to our group to capture this.  I believe that we have this in the Nation, and this is what makes it special.  It is all of you happy humans. YOU make it!

I absolutely love my life and the people in it.  I can’t say that I have a lot of money, or that I have everything figured out.  But I can tell you one thing, I am so thankful in this moment for the things God has given me.

We had a conversation after the workout over coffee at Peet’s about this very thing.  Why people seem to be so happy here as opposed to other places.  I believe that happiness is a choice.  Everyone has the opportunity to be happy, or the opportunity to be worried, or sad, or down.

In this moment I choose to be happy, and I am so thankful for the people around me because they choose the same.  Tonino, I am in awe of you for searching the globe to find people that share this same vision.  Travel safe my friend.

What are you going to do in this MOMENT?

Danny Lesslie


Saturday’s Workout:

Dynamic Duo PR Challenge Prelims

With a partner, complete 3 rounds for time of:

15 Front Squats (135/95)

300 Yard Shuttle


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