
“It’s a great day to be..”

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While playing baseball in college, our head coach, Rich Hill, had many sayings. One of which we often laughed at and later would be caught repeating was, “It’s a great

Calibrating Progress and Expectations

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I’m probably not the most “chatty” of people, but I’m always observing. I notice everything about our students. One of my observations is that there’s often an expectation of progress, specifically

[VIDEO] Coaching with Style

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We often talk about with our coaches (and our student coaches) that having genuine style is critical. If you aren’t you when you coach, it’s difficult to express your potential,

The Torero Way

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I was honored to speak to the University of San Diego baseball team this past weekend. The topic of my talk was both nutrition and the “Torero Way.” During my

[VIDEO] The Grind

Ok, so maybe you all aren’t 19 year old collegiate baseball players. I’d like you to take this in, nonetheless. I was originally drawn to this master piece because I