Got pride?

I don’t mean “pride,” the sin that resides in Dante’s 9th Circle of Hell. I mean the pride that craftsmen and women share for their respective work. Pride is an unmistakable human attribute that doesn’t go unnoticed in both the product and service industries.

The level of pride for customer service displayed by a company like Nordstrom, for example, has garnered international fame. The pride surrounding the craftsmanship executed on the interior of a Rolls Royce, too, is a remarkable touch.

I think by now you can comprehend the value-add that is pride. Pride is authentic and impactful. It’s valuable and rare. If for just one hour a day, you came to class as a craftsman or woman of human movement, you may find yourself taking a new level of attention to detail to your work. This attitude would be no different than the sense of pride a quality winemaker shares for his/her product.

Community pride.

In business, the quality that comes from such strong pride means dollar signs.  People pay more for a hand-stitched Rolls Royce steering wheel than they do a plastic molded Toyota steering wheel. Coming to class with a sense of pride in your work won’t put cash in your pocket, but it will grant you everything you came here for in the first place… Life changing fitness, health, and the skills to do things in your life you never thought possible.

It doesn’t stop with running, gymnastics, and weightlifting, either. Have pride here and watch it bleed into your life. It’s not uncommon for us to ask a student to write down the areas in which he/she would like to improve his/her life (fitness areas or not) seal it in an envelope and open it months later to learn they are, in fact, leaner and healthier, but also a better father, teacher, daughter, artist, etc.

Practice having pride with us. You’re life may begin to look less like a Corolla and more like a Rolls Royce in no time.

Logan Gelbrich


Monday’s Workout:

Complete 100 burpees for time.

**Every two minutes complete 11 KB Front Squats (53/35)

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