The Vitals

What’s in a number? We love numbers around here, because it helps us measure things. We have a tangible fitness program with real work, real accomplishments, and real improvement that we can point to. Whether it’s your FFOTB Baseline time, your Tabata squat score, or your one rep max deadlift, numbers can be very important.

In the world of health and fitness, there are quite a few markers that can be helpful “vital” stats to understanding, in a snapshot, where you stand in your fitness journey. Things like body composition, blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol (LDL & HDL), etc are all useful markers for tracking your health.

Scotty pushing up to new heights.

There ‘s a fine line between sticking to the process and living and dying by the numbers. The process is where one should place his/her focus and energy, but, at the end of the day, better numbers are what we are after.

Whether you’re doing The Route 56 Challenge or not, now may be the perfect time to take a snap shot of your “vitals.” If you’re going to spend any amount of time with us in the next few months, I think you’d enjoy looking at all the change that is about to happen.

Get your blood work done. Find out your body fat percentage. Take some “before” pictures.

“It’s going to make a great story one day.”


Logan Gelbrich



Friday’s Workout:

10 min. Conditioning


Partner Bar Complex
5 Snatch Grip DL (95/65)
5 Power Snatch
5 Overhead Squats

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