How To: Get What You Said You Wanted

Our job is to get you to where ever it is you want to go. You want to run a sub-4 hour marathon? You got it. Want to loose 40lbs? Sure thing. Want to get down under 10% body fat? Deal.

Luckily for Danny, Annie, and I, if you keep showing up and we coach the way we know how, you’ll get exactly what you want. Every. Damn. Time.

It may take the effort of a champion and some patience, but the results are there. I’ve seen it. We’ve seen it. And, the students are seeing it.

The story isn’t always so simple, however…

We sit down and talk about your goals, and everything is clear as day. You want X and Y, we tell you how to get there, and fast forward 12 months and you’re looking at your goals in the rearview mirror. Then, it’s on to bigger and better things, right?

Britt and Nikki: "Keeping the high five alive!"

Well, yes. But, you have to live up to your side of the bargin, too. In the beginning, we are all in agreement with what you want, and you’re willing to do what it takes. However, sometime in the dream chasing process life gets real and in your mind the prize at the end of the road is no longer worth the work.

Here’s the deal: chances are you still want what you said that you wanted. In the meantime, you’ve just created ways to justify falling short. That’s where we step in.

Not only are we the coaches, teaching you the finer points of Olympic weightlifting or running form. We are coaching your attitude, your diet, your goals, and we are going to hold you accountable. Don’t let that little voice undermine your perfectly crooked road to success with your fitness goals, but if you do, we’ll be here and we will be a bigger voice to get you back in the game.

You’ll thank us in the end, I promise.

Logan Gelbrich


2 Min. Max Push Ups


Complete 100 KB Snatches for time.

**Perform 5 burpees on the minute every minute

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