Relinquishing Responsibility

Like any great organization, we look to the quotable guidance of the best minds across all disciplines. For that reason, we lean heavily on a quote from none other than …
Like any great organization, we look to the quotable guidance of the best minds across all disciplines. For that reason, we lean heavily on a quote from none other than …
The video above has a voice over of the quote written on the wall in the lobby at the gym. The T.E. Lawrence quote reads: “All men dream: but not …
[Photo by Lupita Santoyo] Since my good friend and new DEUCE athlete, Nick McCoy, has moved back into town, our meals and conversations together have been chalk full of old …
You know, I’d be one mediocre coach if all I did was talk about squats all day. At the end of the day, we’re coaching a lifestyle of ownership, commitment, …
Part of my new DEUCE Gym lifestyle involves a lot more biking and a lot less driving. I live less than a mile from the gym. Part of that means …