
Going Long: A Time and a Place

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What we know about anaerobic training is that it decreases body fat and increases cardiovascular function, muscle mass, strength, power, speed, aerobic capacity, capillarization, and mitochondrial growth. You can’t anaerobically

The Sweet Spot

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Relative intensity is something we talk about it in your ‘Intro Session’ before you join. Each day in training we have a dedicated portion of class to set the context

Sweat Every Day

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Fitness is full of fads. There is always something “newer” and “better” out there. Let’s be real honest with ourselves here, if you are not working hard, chances are the

Nikki Pounds

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Well, this definitely pains me to write this. But, at the same time I could not be happier. Nikki Pounds will be leaving us to move to Colorado very soon.

The CrossFit Benchmarks

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By now, I assume that your eyes have wondered as far as those giant scoreboard-like whiteboards on the wall in the gym. Am I right?  These are our leaderboards. Given