
The Castle in Your Mind

Ready for some bad ideas? I’ll give you one. Pretend you’re an investor, listen, and let me know if you’d take the risk to fund bringing this idea to life.

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Now You Know: “Sym Pathos”

“There’s three types of breathing. There’s sympathetic. There’s parasympathetic. Then there’s pathetic.” – Tait Fletcher, ladies and gentlemen. Okay, okay. First, I hope that made you smile. Second, besides this

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“As It Ought to Be”

The other day an acquaintance posted on Twitter the following question, “I’m looking to indulge on some classic, cheap LA food spots. Sound off!” My mind flooded with some of

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Mandatory Reading

At least one time per year I make dedicated effort to read my favorite poem. While it might be early in 2021, it’s never too early for Rudyard Kipling’s “If”.

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Ants Marching: To Live or Die

“Gentlemen, I’d like it to be known that I work in almost perfect harmony with ants.” Coach Turley continued into what felt like a ridiculous comment with, “I respect their

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