Grocery Store Performance: The Fitness Deal Breaker

I started filming this video message in class. I figured it would hit home to see this note delivered from the totem pole, mid warm up run, which I tried and began babbling into confusion. Then, I had a second take mid-glute bridge section of the warm up, when a prankster by the name of Dan Estes got me. What resulted, then, was the video being re-recorded where it should have been shot all along.. the grocery store. Have a listen.


So, I apologize for the poor camera work and the permanent zoom shot on my mouth. The message, however, came with thought and purpose. If you’re going to get what you want out of your time here, it is REQUIRED that you commit to intentional eating habits. For many of you this is a perspective shift. Once you change you mind about fitness, you’ll learn that the 23 hours you spend outside of class have a much greater impact on your fitness goals than the 60 minutes your in class.

Grain of salt or not, we all have got to swallow that. It starts with food. Period. 



Logan Gelbrich


Wednesday’s Workout:

Spend 20 minutes on:

3×5 Pause Front Squat (60% 1RM)
5×10 sec L-sit with assist

Complete the following for time:

3 rounds:

Run 800m

-Rest 3 min-


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