“Wear It”

*The Route 56 Challenge: Day 25*

Are you willing to accept praise? How about congratulations? Say, for example, you’re in a group meeting and the manager decided to point out your exceptional sales for the quarter, would you be open to the recognition?

We aren't growing a fitness for show-- We're Doers.

Sure you would..

Accepting kudos for a job well done is easy. Wouldn’t we all want some of that? Given that we all can relate to good performance and poor performance on some level, it’s safe to say we’ve all been both lauded for a job well done and reprimanded for a slip up here and there. So, my question becomes, how open are you to hearing about your negligence? Are you as willing and able to listen to blame with the same fervor as you are when someone is praising your efforts?

Chance are, that’s a different story..

Now, there’s nothing wrong with accepting a pat on the back for your efforts, but do you really need those moments? Looks to me like you were able to do great work without those words in the first place. To me, the real juice is in being able to look your failures in the face and accept blame, accusation, and responsibility. The ability to “wear it” when someone is pointing directly at your shortcomings is a painfully difficult skill. There’s more to learn from being all ears to reprimand than there is in praise, however.

Being able to “wear it” means being accountable. Too often folks are quick to deflect blame and dodge responsibility. The next time you’re up for criticism, whether it’s in justice or not, practice accepting it in full. Don’t give but a word of reasoning or excuse. Wear it.

How does your ability to “wear it,” or lack thereof, show up in class? At work? In relationships?

Logan Gelbrich


Wednesday’s Workout:

Route 56 Challenge Training

5×5 Dynamic Deadlift (50-60% R56C Weight)

Then 2 rounds for time of:

200m Run
Max Hand Release Push Ups
200m Run
Max Hand Release Push Ups
200m Run


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