FFOTB Social Night 2.0

Community based fitness involves lots of hard work with a whole lot of togetherness. Well, in my opinion, that togetherness is so important that it is in our best interest to socialize together, too. Plus, you just can’t take this whole working out thing so serious that you forget how to enjoy yourself, right?

Melanie getting serious about her slashers.

So, without further ado, we are pleased to announce our second FFOTB Social Night! The event will be this at 8:30 PM Saturday, December 3rd at V-Lounge on Wilshire Blvd. in Santa Monica. The event is also the 3rd Annual Sweatsuit Dance Party— in celebration of the birthdays of Kenny Kane, John Hackleman, and myself.

This is an open invitation. If you joined us for our first event at Chez Jay, you know that we come out in droves and have a heck of a time together. So, if you can, join us in your best/most hilarious sweatsuit and bring a friend!


Logan Gelbrich



Monday’s Workout:

4 rounds for max reps of:

1 Minute Over-the-Bag Lateral Jumps

1 Minute KB Swings

1 Minute Clapping Push Ups

1 Minute Squats

-Rest 1 Minute-

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