“When I grow up, I wanna be…”

How many times have you wanted something (and wanted it bad!), but weren’t quite able to convert your wishes to reality? Literally, we have all done it, from Michael Jordan to the kid down the street who still doesn’t have that bike he’s got his eye on.  Our eyes get big for something, and them at some point life gets in the way.

For me as a coach, this issue is paramount. Learning what my athletes want is extremely important. It’s important to me as the guy who is supposed to help them get there and it is especially important to them as the person in control of their destiny. Often times there is a disconnect between wanting something because it would be nice to have, and wanting something regardless of what it would take to have it.

Part of the group "Junk Yard Doggin' It."

The deal with goals, though, is that they come with a responsibility, the bigger the goal, the bigger the responsibility. Your goals are valid no matter what they are. It doesn’t matter whether your aspirations are as big and audacious as national fame and fortune, or they are as small as getting your first unassisted pull up.  The key to having goals and meeting them is two fold. First, you must know exactly what is means to want what you want. And second, you must know what it takes to get what you want.  If after you are clear about what the magnitude of your goals are, and what it will take to get there and you‘re still in it to win it, then you can formulate a plan. So many people can’t wait to declare that they want to be a famous movie actor, a partner at their firm, or a start up success story without the scope of what level of commitment and work load such aspirations require.

Really sit down and figure out what it is that you want, and then evaluate what that means for you and what it would take to get there, then commit to making it real. This post isn’t about lowering standards or changing dreams into lesser, more “realistic” goals. It is about actually achieving everything we want it life.

Take advantage of your coaches. Their job doesn’t end when class is over. They are here to help you stay accountable and to set both long and short term goals.  If your goal is to make a certain outfit fit again, or it’s to make the scale say something it hasn’t since high school, you better get clear about what it might take to make those things happen!

Dream big. Dream responsibly.


Tuesday’s Workout:

With a partner, complete the following for time:

100 SDHP

100 Push Press

100 Step Back KB Lunges

100 Mountain Climbers (2 count)

**Partner A works, while Partner B runs 100m — then switch.

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