3, 2, 1 Socialize!

*The Route 56 Challenge: Day 39*

Class is great (if I don’t say so myself). The coaching our students get out of class is good stuff, also. The real juice, however, is in the community. The community here at Functional Fitness on the Bluffs is full of people that struggle with the same things you struggle with, they enjoy the positive changes in their lives like you do, and everyone is in it together.

Come hang around!

In that spirit, I’d like to remind you all (Route 56 Challengers especially) that this Friday, February 24th, we are having our first challenge friendly pot luck! It is a great opportunity to see your brothers and sisters of fitness in something other than workout clothes and it’s an opportunity to socialize and spend time with this passionate community outside of class.

For many of us, this Friday will be a time to look across the room and see faces of folks that are in the trenches of quite possibly the most difficult, most inspiring 8 weeks of their lives. Be careful, however, as you might not recognize some folks that you haven’t seen since the challenge baseline workout. FFOTB Nation is making huge progress.

So, whether you are coming to show off your new frame or you are coming for motivation from your peers, I hope you join us. Just don’t be “that guy” that comes in with a case of beer and a pan of brownies… we’re 3 weeks away!

For specific details on times, location, and what to bring contact: info@FFOTB.com

Logan Gelbrich


Wednesday’s Workout:

Route 56 Challenge Training

3 rounds of:
400m Run
Then 3x-
5 SDLHP (135/95)
10 Hand Release Push Ups
-Rest 3 min-


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