Jacob’s Story

*The Route 56 Challenge: Day 9*

Meet Jacob. If you join us for classes, he’s often a quiet but pleasant addition to class. He leads the charge for a little post workout breakfast at Whole Foods as well. Jacob has an interesting story, and whether you have asthma or not I think you’d benefit having heard it. This is Jacob’s story…

[vimeo https://vimeo.com/35465850]

Regardless of your life experience, I believe there are a couple different take aways from the story. First, Jacob was given one option from a doctor. I don’t doubt that the doctor had Jacob in his best interest, but prescribing drugs is his profession. Health and wellness is a lifestyle. The power of that which is in one’s diet is beyond anything you could ever imagine. Nutrition in my eyes isn’t about dieting and weightloss. I could care less about that. Nutrition and what you eat is who you are. Jacob though asthma was just who he was. It isn’t who he is at all, and now he knows this.

The second thing to take from this is less specific to nutrition, but more so in reference to a general approach. Jacob made a decision to take control of his existence. All too often, folks conceive the that world they live in is something largely out of their control. Things like sitting in traffic to and from work, being fat, relying on pain medication, being poor, having asthma, and having back problems are all examples of optionalparts of life.

Kitten Shirts: "High speed, low drag."

Thank you, Jacob, for a lesson in taking control.

Logan Gelbrich


Monday’s Workout:

7 rounds for time:
100m Run
14 Hand-to-hand KB Swings
7 Goblet Squats


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