“Pain Ball Adventure”

*The Route 56 Challenge: Day 7*

If you joined us for class today, you got a gift from me. That’s right folks, if you don’t come to class you don’t get fitter and sometimes you miss out on gifts. The gift? A shiny, brand new lacrosse ball! Exciting stuff, huh?

Home sweet home!

If you’re a human, especially one that trains like we do, you need to be able to care for the one body you have. The lacrosse ball can take the place of a visit to a chiropractor or physical therapist, and save you a couple hundred bucks. Just like you’re fitness, we encourage you to take responsibility your your recovery.

The following video is a specifically relevant one to the lacrosse ball and its utility. Kelly Starrett, is a world renown physical therapist and coach of human movement. His website www.mobilitywod.com is the mecca of mobility info, and it’s at your finger tips.


This resource is also listed in The Route 56 Challenge guide. Mobility WOD is perfect (with a capital P) for all you challengers out there. Everyday there is a 10 minute mobilization and some serious knowledge that is shared in K. Star’s videos. A strict compliance to Mobility WOD will get you your mobility point, and will have you moving better than you’ve ever imagine.

3, 2, 1… Pain Ball Adventure!

Logan Gelbrich


Saturday’s Workout:

2 rounds for time of:

20 Plank Ups
20 YD Bear Crawl
20 Deadlifts (135/95)
20 R&L Lunges
20 V Ups
800M Run


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