
With The “Better than Yesterday” Challenge Finals approaching, you may begin to feel those pre-game jitters. You could be excited, antsy, nervous, scared, or all of the above. Most importantly, I’d hope that you’re beginning to feel like an athlete.

What's worse? Visualizing burpees or doing burpees?

As an ex-professional athlete myself, my most important preparation didn’t come on the field, in the batting cage, or even in the weight room. My routine included plenty of space for mental preparations. And, it was these mental preparations that I attribute my success.

Visualization has been a huge part of my life. Furthermore, it is a tool that is universal in it’s application. Though college was the first time I had been taken through an organized visualization drill, I realized in hindsight that I had be visualizing for over a decade already.

I remember the terrible feeling I’d get when asked late in the day to drop to play a game on short notice, or when a game would go on despite heavy rain. This terrible feeling was a result of a lack of mental prep. I hadn’t thought the game through.

I realized that even as a ten year old kid, I was spending my pre-game days and hours, thinking and visualizing. By the time the game rolled around, I had been there before– many times before.

I am not asking you to visualize every workout before you come to class, but allow yourself time to prepare your mind, especially for this weekend’s finals. Think about what the area will look like. Think about how you will feel and things will look during your round of 21, and notice how your stride may feel coming down that last 200m of the run.

See the reps. See the playing field. See the whiteboard and your judge. See your perfect effort.

See victory.



Logan Gelbrich


Friday’s Workout

5 Rounds:

1 min Max Reps Seated KB Press (Left)
1 min Max Reps Seated KB Press (Right)
1 min Max Mountain Climbers
1 min Rest

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