Capturing the Moment

With the tasks and stressors of day to day life, its hard to relate to the calm and focus of meditation. The story gets worse when we think about how unrealistic it seems to tap into our inner Zen master amongst the aforementioned distractions of life.

There is amazing power in being present. Have you ever become “lost” in the simplest of tasks? We all have. It’s an ultimate focus. Time slows down, senses are heightened, we perform better, and we even feel better.

Tyler: In the NOW.

Athletes often refer to this state of mind as being “in the zone.” The scholarly term for such performance, however, is called “Flow.” Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi pioneered the term with his work on the subject, and I would recommend all of his work, including “Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience.”


The beautiful thing about flow is that it isn’t reserved for the super athletes and the astronauts of the world. We all can benefit from high performance, and if can all agree that flow is the purest for of that, then repeated this “in the zone” state has value beyond measure. Imagine if your thoughts were crystal clear and your actions were fluid and precise; you could do no wrong. That’s what life would be like in constant flow.

Well, no one can sustain flow 24/7, but some are better than others at getting it to show up in our lives. It takes practice, and it takes a present mind to get lost in the moment. Have you ever notice how focused you become while training on the bluff? The intensity demands your attention, so much so that you can get lost in the workout. This is flow!

The results our training yields can’t be done will texting or reading People Magazine. You can’t finish your overhead walking lunge and sort through the errands you have to do later because this takes everything you have. It also gives you the opportunity to make flow apart of your daily life.

So what do ya say? Meditate with us. It’s good for you.


Logan Gelbrich


Wednesday’s Workout:

For time:

800m Run
11 Situps
44 KB Swings
22 Situps
33 KB Swings
33 Situps
22 KB Swings
44 Situps
11 KB Swings
800m Run

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