One Amazing Student at a Time

Maybe I don’t want everyone to come out to FFOTB. The other day, one of our wonderful students reached out to help us grow the community. I was ecstatic at his excitement about the programs and willingness to help us grow. Something he said, though, caught my attention. He noted that while our success has been tremendous, that at the end of the day we are running a business. The question was then, “how are you bringing those individuals in?  Slowly?  One at a time?”

We are a family. We go through the muck together.

Quality > Quantity. To me, the monetary value of a group of students that don’t make our community better never out weighs the intangible value of students that fall in line with the type of program that we are. Having folks spend piles of money who also undermine the organizational culture of FFOTB, is bad business in my world. Our community is what moves us along to things like losing 20 lbs, running a first marathon, getting off medication, and so on.

If you don’t make us better, I don’t want your money. Every one of our students makes myself and this community better. They do so, not because they are ultra-fit but, because they are committed to each other. FFOTB is about getting better. It’s positive energy. It’s hard work and lots of laughter. It’s about TEAM. It’s about integrity, showing up, and never quitting.

Being amazing is rare. And, we know that being rare often means being valuable. FFOTB has value beyond words, in my opinion, and I don’t think I am alone in thinking so. Every single student is amazing to me, and therefore they are valuable to me beyond words. We can scale a workout for anyone, and we can get anyone fit– I promise. But, that doesn’t mean this community is for everyone, because not everyone is amazing.

..Until then, I’ll have to answer the original question with a resounding, “Yes! We will bring those individuals in slowly– One amazing, beautiful soul at a time.”


Be proud. I am.


Logan Gelbrich



Saturday’s Workout:

Complete 150 Pushups for time.
**40 yard penalty run each time athlete stops


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