
Wearing the Bullseye

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A life of integrity is most simply “the hard way.” If you claim big integrity, you’re also claiming big scrutiny. It’s how it has to be. It’s only natural, too.

Cleaning Under the Rug

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OK, we don’t actually have a rug here. So, what? This article is on cleaning. Nonetheless, I was doing some cleaning the other day, and I found myself on my

Fake Gym Preps for Hibernation

With the excitement and momentum of DEUCE Gym and the onset of colder, darker times (fall/winter) on the bluffs. FFOTB will be on hiatus starting September 1st, only to come

Training Tears

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I had an inspiring conversation with an athlete the other day about crying. For the sake of this blog I will call this athlete Suzy. This is not her real

Greasing the Groove

I didn’t workout yesterday. Well, I did, but I didn’t do what we would call a “workout.” There were no clocks or real counting. There was barely any sweat. And,