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Memorial Day “Murph” Event Open to Public

You’re invited! Memorial Day is an important holiday to DEUCE and the community that holds us together. We’d like to invite you to 110 Lincoln Boulevard to honor American service

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Let DEUCE coach you

Join the #HoldTheStandard mailing list. Train harder than you ever thought possible with a community you never knew existed.

These 3 Words Are a Sign You’re Talking to a Master Teacher

You can read this two different ways. Firstly, you can take the perspective of the student auditing your teacher. Second, you might be a teacher and this man serves as

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Joseph Bruner, A Year of Freedom

Think about what you were doing and where you were in 2007. Now, imagine not having a full year of freedom between now and then.  Until May 3, that was

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Audit What’s Molding You Now

I realize in retrospect that the college and professional recruiting process as a high school baseball player was largely an ego trip. More so than any specific desire, it felt

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Cardio is a Drug, Drink Responsibly

It’s a hell of a drug. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter hormone that is nicknamed the “happy hormone” because it’s associated with positive feelings. You get it when you shop, eat

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