Sea Change Recovery Presents: WLC Pot Luck

All are welcome for a social event this Saturday from 1-3PM. The potluck will be chalk full of incredible Whole Life Challenge compliant food. Our friends at Sea Change Recovery are making this event possible, and they are even bringing Just Served Here along with them. food fight-01

If you’re going to join us, please bring a dish for 8-10 people that is compliant to the challenge rules. We’ll enjoy a feast together and have left overs to take home for some added variety during the week!

Joining us? Make it ‘Facebook Official‘ here!

Logan Gelbrich


2/18/16 WOD

Spend 15 mins on row technique..

Then, complete the following for time:

2K Row



3x 12 DB Rows

3x 20 Banded Lat Pull Downs


1x 100 Face Pulls