3rd Annual Women’s Only Gift Exchange

Ladies, let me have your attention. Each year, as a tradition, the DEUCE women get together to socialize and competitively exchange gifts. This year is no exception.

Ladies, it’s all going down this Friday December 16th from 8-11PM at Antonia’s house. You’re asked to bring a gift of around a $50 value.

DEUCE men, I’m not sure what to tell you. Anyone want to grab a beer?

I’d say, “I’ll see you there, ladies” but I won’t. I’m not allowed. Keep the tradition alive, ladies.


Logan Gelbrich


12/13/16 WOD

Complete 4 rounds for quality of:

100′ Waiter Carry (L)

100′ Waiter Carry (R)

12 DB Chest Supported Rows


Then, complete the following for time:


1000m Row

50 Thrusters (45)

30 Pull Ups